20/20 Vision Mastery Blog

Welcome to my Vision Mastery Blog with actionable tips, insights, and mindset strategies for taking action on your goals and dreams

How to Know if You are a Perfectionist... or A Pocket Perfectionist?


So right now you may be saying “but I’m not a perfectionist”.  Well, my first question then would be “do you procrastinate?”  Procrastination can mask perfectionism AND the lack of self-confidence. If you lack self-confidence and give in to your underlying fears you’ll hesitate on taking action, and miss out on opportunities and people coming into your life.

Most perfectionists don’t even realize they are one.  They cling to the belief that their obsessive pursuit of perfection is really just the definition of doing a “good job”.  I SURE DID!  And doing a “good job” meant I wasn’t letting people down.  Letting people down used to be one of my huge fears that held me back from sharing any program I created…because I felt it needed to be “perfect” to be a good job.

So after a lot of soul searching, reasearching and reading a ton of...


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