20/20 Vision Mastery Blog

Welcome to my Vision Mastery Blog with actionable tips, insights, and mindset strategies for taking action on your goals and dreams

Overcome fear and step into your courage!

Most fears are irrational. You’ve heard it before “False Evidence Appearing Real”

We can’t be victim to our fears. Each time we step into our fears and overcome them we replace the fear with courage.

Courage is stepping forward and taking action in the face of fear.  

Here are 5 steps to overcome fear that is not real.

  1. Identify the source of the fear – is it real? Or is it imaginary? For instance, a bear running after you is a real fear. Thinking you will get rejected when offering a presentation is not. If it’s real you run/ if it’s not you face it.
  2. Change the way you think about the fear. Understand it’s not real, it’s only a feeling you can move through, that you can control. As long as it’s a feeling then you can control it. When you take action and move through it the fear dissolves and the feeling of courage replaces it.
  3. Don’t be tied to the outcome of a situation where you are feeling fear of rejection or...

The only thing separating you from your BHAG is Courage


Up in the Wasatch mountains of Utah there is an Olympic Park where the Winter Olympic hopefuls train all summer and practice their aerial jumps. There are two huge alpine-type slide jumps that shoot the skiers high in the air as they twist and turn to practice their jumps.  Then it drops them into a pool of aerated water, skis and all the gear! 

I marveled at how much courage it took to attempt these aerial jumps over and over again.   I thought how hard these athletes work for 4, 8, or even 12 years to accomplish their big dream...their BHAG.  

A BHAG is a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Something that you've thought about, or that keeps coming up in the back of your mind. Something that you think "would be nice" but you don't see any way that you could attain or accomplish it. 

What is your BHAG...your Olympic size dream?  I know that what you have accomplished so far is only a fraction of what's truly possible for...


50% Complete

Two Step

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